© Soigner en Périgord, un site web du Conseil départemental de la Dordogne et de la CPAM de la Dordogne
The medical internship supervisors
Financial aids
The flat-rate accommodation allowance for students in the 3rd cycle of medicine, odontology and pharmacy
A lump sum accommodation allowance may be paid to a 3rd cycle student studying medicine, odontology and pharmacy when performing an outpatient internship in a geographical area characterized by an insufficient supply of care or by difficulties in ‘Health care access.
The flat-rate accommodation allowance is set at €200 per month. It cannot be combined with accommodation granted or financial assistance paid for accommodation by a local authority or public institution.
The student who wishes to benefit from it submits the request to the university hospital center to which he belongs.
Related Documents :
Décret n°2018-571 portant dispositions relatives à l’indemnité forfaitaire d’hébergement
Arrêté du 03/07/2018 fixant le montant de l’indemnité forfaitaire d’hébergement
Contact :
Conseil départemental de la Dordogne
Direction Générale Adjointe de la Culture, de l’Education et des Sports – Direction de l’Education
Tél :
The mobility aid grant for trainees in general medicine from the Departmental Council
I am doing an internship in the Dordogne, is there a plan to support me?
The Departmental Council of the Dordogne offers financial assistance to trainees in general medicine and to heads of clinic to compensate for the costs incurred for the rental of a second accommodation.
The mobility aid grant is exclusively reserved for internal students in general medicine, enrolled in a European university, on an internship in the Dordogne with a general practitioner practicing in a private practice, in a health center, in a health center or at the Departmental Council , or clinic managers doing an internship in the Dordogne.
The fixed financial aid is set at €400 per month for the duration of the internship.
It is financed half by the Department and half by the municipality and/or the EPCI (community of municipalities, community of agglomeration) of the place of reception of the trainee.
10 mobility grants are awarded per year.
Related documents :
Présentation de la bourse d’aide à la mobilité
PDF Dossier de demande de bourse d’aide à la mobilité
Contact :
Conseil départemental de la Dordogne
Direction Générale Adjointe de la Culture, de l’Education et des Sports – Direction de l’Education
Tél :
Communauté d’agglomération Le Grand Périgueux
Mme Caroline CERVERA, Direction Habitat et Cohésion Sociale
Tél :
Email : c.cervera@grandperigueux.fr
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