© Soigner en Périgord, un site web du Conseil départemental de la Dordogne et de la CPAM de la Dordogne
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C@rtoSanté allows you to carry out a market study for your installation.
- How many general practitioners practice in the Dordogne? Is the density there lower or higher than the regional average ?
- Did the number of dental surgeons increase between 2009 and 2018 in Périgueux ?
- How many people live 30 minutes around Bergerac ?
Périgord Numérique allows you to visualize the deployment of optical fiber in the Dordogne
The installation path
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Installation aids
Choose your mode of exercise
Exercising as a liberal, salaried, mixed, coordinated or as a substitute, you have the choice between several modes of exercise and statutes.
Coordinated Exercise
The practice in a multi-professional nursing home or in a health center, more generally qualified as “coordinated exercise”, is today widely acclaimed by health professionals themselves who wish to exercise differently.
In fact, this mode of exercise facilitates your exchanges with your colleagues, the coordination around the care of the patient; it also allows more flexibility in your practice (pooling the management of administrative costs, organization of absences to ensure continuity of care for your patients, or even the possibility of not practicing full-time, etc.)
This mode of exercise responds just as much to the changing needs of your patients.
The Interprofessional Ambulatory Care Society (SISA):
The interprofessional company for outpatient care (SISA) was created in 2011 to meet the needs of multiprofessional health centers and enable them to receive subsidies within a secure legal and tax framework, aimed at remunerating the activities carried out jointly by healthcare professionals. health practicing there.
SISA, which comes under the regime of civil companies, has a dual purpose:
- The pooling of resources necessary for the activity
- And the exercise of activities carried out jointly by its members (coordination, cooperation, therapeutic education, etc.)
Within the framework of the interprofessional conventional agreement (ACI), the health professionals associated with the SISA can collectively receive fixed remuneration (around 40,000 euros on average).
The replacement of a healthcare professional is possible for a period corresponding to the unavailability of the replaced professional.
Throughout the duration of the replacement, the healthcare professional undertakes to cease carrying out any activity. There is an exception to this principle: the doctor can continue to exercise his activity in an area with a deficit in terms of care provision in order to ensure continuity of care there (article 65 of the code of medical ethics).
The health professional must inform his substitute of the legislative and regulatory provisions which govern the liberal practice under agreement.
The replacement uses his own replacement professional card.
At the end of the contract, the healthcare professional must proceed with a retrocession of fees (retrocession, the terms of which must be agreed in advance in the replacement contract).
1- The obligations of the replacement
“Remember to check that your replacement:
– is registered with the Council of the Order, if applicable,
– holds a replacement permit,
– has taken out civil liability insurance,
– is insured for the use of your premises and your equipment,
– is covered by insurance if he uses your vehicle.
If you wish to be replaced and you have not yet found a replacement, you can contact the departmental council of the Order. They will be able to put you in touch with replacement health professionals.
2- The replacement contract
“Once your replacement has been found, you must draw up a replacement contract in triplicate:
– one for you,
– one for your replacement,
– one for the departmental council of the Order.”
3- Notify the Council of the Order
“It is up to you to ask your Departmental Council of the Order for a replacement authorization.
You must indicate to him, in writing, the surnames, first names and addresses of your replacement, as well as the dates and duration of the replacement.
Freelance practice
The liberal health professional is essentially paid on a fee-for-service basis.
Relations between the health professions and the funds are governed by national agreements, negotiated and signed between the Health Insurance (UNCAM) and the trade unions representing liberal health professionals. These agreements define the commitments of both parties (tariffs, remuneration, practices, etc.). They are concluded with each of these professions for a maximum period of 5 years.
A healthcare professional is said to be “conventioned” when he adheres to the convention.
Membership of each professional to the convention is free. It gives the right, among other things, to reimbursement by the health insurance for the care provided to the insured persons. It also allows the professional to benefit from partial coverage, by Health Insurance, of the financing of his social protection or his professional training.
All agreements can be viewed on the Assurance Maladie website.
The approved doctor can choose to practice :
– in sector 1
The doctor applies the rates of the convention. The only authorized fee overruns are linked to the specific requirements of the patient (eg a visit outside the usual opening hours of the doctor’s office) and are not reimbursed by the Health Insurance.
He benefits from partial coverage of his social security contributions by Health Insurance.
– in sector 2 or “free fee” sector
The doctor can practice fee overruns with tact and moderation. The excess amount is not reimbursed by Health Insurance.
The doctor in sector 2 who chooses to adhere to the “care access contract” undertakes to practice moderate overruns. In return, he benefits, among other things, from partial financing by the Health Insurance of his social security contributions and his patients are better reimbursed.
Exercise as an employee
Salaried medicine includes a very varied number of situations: in public or private health establishments; in non-hospital structures, such as health centers.
To find out more about the conditions of exercise, the statutes, remuneration, consult the site of the National Management Center (CNG).
Other possibilities are also available to you: Occupational medicine, P.M.I. (maternal and child protection), school and university health service medicine, etc.
Mixed exercise
This mode of exercise, which consists of having both a liberal activity and a salaried activity, is favored by more and more health professionals: hospital exercise can, for example, allow access to the technical means necessary for the practice of certain specialties (surgery, gastroenterology, etc.), or even facilitate the updating of knowledge on the latest innovations: the choice of a salaried exercise is then linked to the technical or scientific development of part of the activity medical.
Keeping in touch with the hospital, for a young liberal doctor, is also a way of creating a professional network. Finally, salaried work can constitute additional income.
In practice: the mixed exercise can take the form, for example, of an activity in a private practice and vacations (half a day per week) in the hospital or in a dispensary.
Or, a salaried doctor, part-time at the hospital, also giving consultations in a cabinet on a liberal basis and exercising one or more half-days in the clinic.
Finally, some doctors, while being full-time employees at the hospital, give consultations in a liberal capacity at the hospital (private hospital sector).
In any case, it is important to choose well what will be the main activity and the secondary activity between the liberal and the salaried.
Volunteer firefighter doctor
The activity of volunteer firefighter doctor (MSPV), offers the general practitioner the opportunity to acquire new know-how, in new fields.
This mode of exercise allows the MSPV, according to its availability and skills, to participate in the various missions of the health and medical rescue service (SSSM), the departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS).
- Health support in the field and participation in urgent medical aid in the same way as SAMU
- Monitoring the state of health of firefighters (medical examination, etc.)
- First aid training
The commitment is open to men and women who satisfy the assessment of medical aptitude and who hold a diploma and registration on the roll of the order of doctors, pharmacists, nurses.
CPTS – Communauté Professionnelle Territoriale de Santé – Territorial health professional community
5 CPTS in Dordogne
CPTS of Bergerac
CPTS Confluence
CPTS of Viveval
CPTS Vézère-Bastides
CPTS Agglo Périgueux